Carol Stevens - Director 2023-2025

Category: Uncategorized

Arbor Day 2024

McIntosh Seedlings Garden club chose a winged elm tree for our Arbor Day celebration. The winged elm is one of the keystone trees valuable for its many contributions to our environment. It is a deciduous tree in which the flowers and fruits appear before the actual leaves. It grows quickly providing shade and habitat for insects, birds, etc. We coordinated with our local elementary school, McIntosh Area School, and chose a prominent placement between the street and school. The school children were very attentive, well behaved and asked questions.  Our Youth Education Committee did all the research and legwork in advance of the event. 

Crystal River Garden Club – postponed tree planting until February due to inclement weather.

A message from Chairman Margaret Chodosh

Plant America Community Projects Grants

From Chairman:  Margaret Chodosh, NGC Liaison/NGC President’s Special Project

All District Directors and Club Presidents, please encourage your members to apply for

Plant America Community Project Grants due by Oct. 15, 2021.  Through plant America grants up to $1,000 is made available to be used for direct expenses of projects. Projects submitted for receiving a grant may be a joint venture with another organization/s.  The scope of these projects in communities may include: beautification and/or restoration, Community gardens, School gardens /classrooms, Landscaping for Habitat for Humanity Homes, Landscaping of Blue Star Memorial Markers, and Implementation of environmental practices, A horticulture or environmental education event for the public

Project Eligibility

Who May Apply

Individual and Near Garden clubs that are members of National Garden clubs Incorporated

Please note that recipients of previous plant America Community project grants are not eligible.  4 clubs in Florida received this award last year: Garden Club by the Sea, Oleander Garden Club of Palm Beaches, Coral Pines Garden Club and Garden Club of Halifax County!

Detailed information on submitting your application, the application deadline. The scale of points, funding guidelines, and final reports are on NGC website. If you have questions regarding Plant America project grants, please contact: David Robson, Plant America Project Chairman Applications must be submitted by October 15, 2021.

My contact email is:  Let’s have every District Director and every Club President apply for this wonderful opportunity and make WOW for FFGCDue by Oct. 15, 2021!

WOW–Hot off the Press!

“Network with Nature”

Written by: Brenda Moore Illustrated by: Emily Lackey Anderson

Encourages children to put down their screens and play outdoors!  For K through 4 children’s book #1346.  The cost is $10.00. You can order from headquarters: 4401 Magnolia Avenue St Louis Missouri 63110-3492, by telephone : 314-776-7574 Or from the website

For more information, visit the NGC website:

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